Ham Radio License Exam Session April 2022

The SPARC VE Testing Team will hold amateur radio license exam sessions for new and upgrading applicants at the San Gorgonio Memorial Hospital, 600 N. Highland Springs Ave., Banning, CA, in modular building “C”. Best accessed from Wilson St. it is N.E. of the main hospital building.

Exams for all three license classes are available and walk-ins are welcome.

Saturday, April 30, 2022. There will be a testing session at the San Gorgonio Memorial Hospital at 9:00 AM (09:00 hours) .

The classroom will be open by 8:30 AM for the VEs to set up for testing.

The ARRL Exam Fee for 2022 remains at $15.00.

For current information or pre-registration for a session, contact Pete Hersey, KJ6NRR, at pandvhersey@verizon.net (951-845-1363)

Author: KD6ZJZ

KD6ZJZ Licensed in 1993