THURSDAY – March 17, 2022
March Field Air Museum MFAM
(Click on links to see pictures)
Today SPARC members took a field trip to the March Field Air Museum. I’d like to recognize Club member Dick Heitman KF6BWH who arranged for us to see March Field Air Museum and the MVARA Radio Room Radio Exhibit. Dick is a past volunteer at the March Air Museum.
Jeff KB6CA, and myself Dave KD6ZJZ got to the museum grounds at around 1130. We found both Dick H. KF6BWH and Dick Spalding WA6NTA right at the entrance, already set up to check-in the members that attended. The tour of the Radio Room was scheduled to begin at 1300. Our early arrival was planned so that we had plenty of time to walk around and check out all the amazing aircraft and other artifacts the museum have on display both inside, and outside. One of the most interesting aircraft on display inside is the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird. Another airplane I was personally interested to see was the F-104 that is outside. As was scheduled we all met at 1300 at the MVARA Radio Room located on the north-east side of the outside exhibit area. There is an amazing number of vintage radio equipment there. They have both Military and commercial radio sets. Items on display include a working Television Set from 1948!
A Big Shout out to Steve DeLong W7DTH, and Carl Gardenias WU6D who gave us a tour of the Radio Room. The management of the room is taken care of my the Moreno Valley Amateur Radio Association.